May I come in?

It's Me....Jesus,

wanting to cleanse you of your sin.

I promise to never leave you,

never hurt in any way, but,

to protect, love and honor you.

I won't ever ask you to do anything

that would cause you any fear,

because it's faith I'm sent to bring.

The mustard seed knows,

where faith can be found.

It isn't from it's shape that it grows.

Father put the life inside it,

just like He did you.

But, He left it up to you to find it.

Life is inside,

where you are,

and from that you try to hide.

All you see is just a farce.

Life isn't lived from the eyes,

but from the heart.

Please invite me in,

I'll show you where life REALLY begins.

If this has blessed you....please pass it on.