Welcome!  Please, come on in!  I'm so glad you stopped by!  I fixed a pot of tea and a muffin, just  for you. :) I have always enjoyed sitting around the table with my  guests! It is my favorite place to sit at home! I so hope you enjoy your visit.

The Forgiving Place is somewhere inside all of us. If we search for it we will eventually find it. When we do, we are amazed at the magnitude of our own depth and life. Women have an empathy and compassion that is not easily understood. Few men have the ability of empathy and compassion as that of a woman. Giving birth and raising her children gives her an insight not otherwise attained. The Forgiving Place calls to the surface that compassion and love. Although Christian based, TFP is not preachy nor is it condemming, but a gentle nudge of the heart and soul to remember who they are and where they are going when this part of life is over.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pat. I live in the great state of Alabama. I'm 67 years young, and am the very proud mother of  three beautiful daughters. Two daughter have two children and the youngest has three. Five boys and two girls. I have been a widow since 1989.

I am a Born Again Christian and love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind. Without Him I would not be here today to welcome you! That is the truth, because I am a sexual and mental abuse survivor! I survived in the victory of Christ. I give Him all glory for things accomplished in my life! Forgiveness of my abusers, and myself, was the biggest stone I had to hurdle! That is why my site is named The Forgiving Place. We all have to come to that place before we can go forward in our lives. Without forgiveness, we stay and live in the past! Praise God, we don't have to live there anymore!

In my spare time I like to play with my favorite program, PSP.  A lot of the graphics you see on my site, I've made in PSP. I love taking tutorials and expanding on them. Making other things to go with the items in the tutorials. The header above and buttons below are a good example. The teapot was a tutorial. I made the plate, saucer and cup to go with the teapot. They aren't perfect, but I enjoyed making them. :) There are tons of sites on the web that offer tutorials. I enjoy searching out those sites, and finding just the graphics I want to make. Also, there are groups that offer tutorials to their members each week. If you enjoy seeing the beautiful graphics online, why not get a graphics program and make some of your own! IMHO, Paint Shop Pro is the best out there!

Okay, enough about me. Please enjoy your visit!




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