A Vision as given to me in sleep;
Pat Austin
On a hot summer day, I had lain down to rest.
In a dream I was in the back yard of a house where
I once lived. Strangely there were many pine
trees there, (although in actuality there is only
another house), and the trees along with the ground
were waving as the waves of the ocean.
My little girl (who is grown now)
and I were next to the house,
but my older, middle daughter was in amongst the
trees. I was screaming to her to come to us
because I was certain she would die if she
My daughter and I were trying to hold onto each
other as the waves were sure to knock us down.
At that moment I caught site of something like
a niche in the house, a small place that my daughter
and I could get into. Even though it had no door,
it did offer some protection.
opening I started praying, and the trees and
ground quickly calmed and stopped waving.
Then I noticed that there was a fire above
our niche. A board on the house above us was
burning. From our position, looking up, it was in
the shape of a cross. I got up and tried to topple
it down and put out the fire.
When I did this the trees and
ground started waving as violently as before.
Immediately I got back into the niche and
Again the trees and ground
Then the voice of the Lord said to me
"Things happen when YOU pray".
I immediately awoke, it seemed that I was
thrown to my feet, and was wrenched from
my insides by sobbing and praise. The picture
above, of the lady praising, only lightly
depicts the praise I experienced that day.
It is still fresh in my heart and mind to this day.
From this I've learned to trust and believe in
my prayers, not because of my praying,
but because of "His Word" to me.
Here is an Interpretation I received of this dream.
I pray it blesses you as I was blesed
in the receiving of it.
Seeking The Kingdom of God
I have known the Lord since a child
of 6 years old. My life was filled with many
hard things to endure. Without Him, they could
way of life for many years. Receiving
and giving...to myself and all others.
In studying God's Word (25 years, more now), I have come
to the knowledge that, the Words Jesus said and
His actions,are the image of God to us.
this I took what He said as "The Truth." When
Jesus said that "the kingdom is within you",
and that "He and His Father would come and
abide with me, and sup with me", my spirit
was assured that somewhere within me,
Inside of me is that Life
that controls this body, and keeps it functioning
without my knowledge or help. I seek, in the
greatest earnestness, to ask, seek, and knock
on the "Door" of that Kingdom,
until that place within me is revealed.
And abide there with My Father and My Lord and
Savior, Jesus the Christ, and no
longer abide within the world of thought,
and flesh, but in the real world, of "Spirit."
I pray that this Truth be revealed to all,
and that all will seek to know
that place within themselves.

